Friday, July 13, 2007

Day 8

The calm before the storm :)

We got to Weslaco and our hotel room at about 1:00pm today. After lunch at the Blue Onion, Brandie finished some work for our volunteers, and Rick and I drove to Monte Alto to deliver paint and supplies to the church where one of our groups will be working. our timing could not have been better, because we pulled up at about the time the pastor of the church arrived. Pastor Bill Hart is a nice gentleman who has been a pastor for 50 years. While we were visiting with him, the supplier for the roofing materials began surveying what the church roof will need. The supplier agreed to get the materials to the church at cost, thus greatly reducing the cost to the church. That, coupled with the volunteer labor that some of our group will provide, will take care of the aging roof on that church. Rick and I estimated that the current roof has been in place for almost 20 years. With the painting on the inside, this church will get a nice facelift.

Friends, here are some things you can pray for...

1. Weather. The forecast calls for rain next week. Much of our work is outdoors, and we need the weather to cooperate.

2. Travel. Many of our people are traveling right now, from all over Texas and Oklahoma.

3. Peace. There's a lot to do, and really a week is not enough time to get it all done. This can make for some difficult days. Pray that we all realize we can't solve everything in one week...

I miss you already, friends!


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